Three months of intense teaching and ultimate Frisbee behind me, and three more months to look forward to. Slaughtered schedules, late nights and coffee really do change lives. I’m learning a little PR, how to deal with people, getting a little taste of legalism here and there in the home school community. Father teaches me more and more about Grace as each day goes by. How to be content in each circumstance, and find Him even in the little things.
I’ve gathered a few quotes that I’ve picked up from the season. Enjoy!
I’ve gathered a few quotes that I’ve picked up from the season. Enjoy!
“People who worry are people who are looking around. People who are confident, content, and trusting in the Lord are people who are looking up… Discontentment, complaining, and worry, ultimately, are a reflection on our heavenly Father. Other people determine what God is like based on the way that we respond to His provision.”
~ Nancy Leigh DeMoss
~ Nancy Leigh DeMoss
We never get better government than we demand, or worse government than we allow.
~ Brad Johnson, Secretary of State in Montana
"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be."
~Thomas a Kempis
Without God there could be no American form of government, nor an American way of life. Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first — the most basic — expression of Americanism. Thus the Founding Fathers of America saw it, and thus with God's help, it will continue to be."— President Gerald R. Ford, 1974
“You learn more about people’s moral and political behavior if you know their image of God than most any other measure”
~Christopher Bader
“It is impossible to keep our moral practices sound while our idea of God is erroneous or inadequate”~ A.W. Tozer
“You learn more about people’s moral and political behavior if you know their image of God than most any other measure”
~Christopher Bader
“It is impossible to keep our moral practices sound while our idea of God is erroneous or inadequate”~ A.W. Tozer
“If there is no God then everything is permitted, only one meaningful decision in life… how I will die.”
~Fydor Dostoevsky
The grass isn’t greener on the other side… so bring a watering can when you jump the fence.
~ A Wise Man
Life is not a matter of holding the good cards, but sometimes, playing the poor hand well.
~ Fortune Cookie
One of the greatest sources of energy is taking pride in the work of your hands.
~ Spokes
In Father’s Grace
~Fydor Dostoevsky
The grass isn’t greener on the other side… so bring a watering can when you jump the fence.
~ A Wise Man
Life is not a matter of holding the good cards, but sometimes, playing the poor hand well.
~ Fortune Cookie
One of the greatest sources of energy is taking pride in the work of your hands.
~ Spokes
In Father’s Grace
wow! love the quotes!!
I agree. Those bits of wisdom were quite meaningful. Excellent, as always.
thanks for the compliment buddy!
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