I’ve gathered a few quotes that I’ve picked up from the season. Enjoy!
“People who worry are people who are looking around. People who are confident, content, and trusting in the Lord are people who are looking up… Discontentment, complaining, and worry, ultimately, are a reflection on our heavenly Father. Other people determine what God is like based on the way that we respond to His provision.”
~ Nancy Leigh DeMoss
~ Nancy Leigh DeMoss
We never get better government than we demand, or worse government than we allow.
~ Brad Johnson, Secretary of State in Montana
"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be."
~Thomas a Kempis
~Christopher Bader
“If there is no God then everything is permitted, only one meaningful decision in life… how I will die.”
~Fydor Dostoevsky
The grass isn’t greener on the other side… so bring a watering can when you jump the fence.
~ A Wise Man
Life is not a matter of holding the good cards, but sometimes, playing the poor hand well.
~ Fortune Cookie

One of the greatest sources of energy is taking pride in the work of your hands.
~ Spokes
In Father’s Grace
~Fydor Dostoevsky
The grass isn’t greener on the other side… so bring a watering can when you jump the fence.
~ A Wise Man
Life is not a matter of holding the good cards, but sometimes, playing the poor hand well.
~ Fortune Cookie
One of the greatest sources of energy is taking pride in the work of your hands.
~ Spokes
In Father’s Grace