Three weeks on the road... not a jaunt to say the least, but still a thrill. Great classes, fantastic experiences and new mercies every morning! A strenuous trip with so many challenges, and a lot of room for God to work. Through these three classes I've learned so much about myself and the rest of my team. Being able to tailor the program to different audiences and personalities can be such an art. Pet peeves become very apparent on classes as well... I have never thought of myself as having many pet peeves but I've really started to get a feel for what I can handle and what drives me crazy. God's really been showing me that teaching really needs to become focused on those who are being taught, and not just the material. To really have depth in a course that could otherwise become monotonous, you
really have a passion for your students and a drive to see them grow. To start every day with a purpose and stay "I'm really going to pour myself into this kid" is really something that I've stuggled with, but I've come to realize that's the only way I'll really be successful as a teenpact intern. To be an ambassador of Christ to these kids is the highest calling I could be given, and I only pray that I would keep it in the forefront of my mind.

On a political note, I got the inside scoop on Huckabee from the Arkansan conservatives. They tell me they're scared of a Huckabee administration due to his lack of fiscal conservatism and foriegn policy, but that he would make a great vice. With my man Mit out of the race, I think we all know the only hope for conservatives is a McCain/Huckabee ticket. McCain really has to convince conservatives that he'll represent them well and the only way he'll be able to do that (because he can't) is through Huckabee. McCain is really so far from conservative and frankly I don't know how he's the GOP pick as of now... illegal immagration policy... trash! I will grant him this though... he can beat a Hillary! He'll be able to take on a liberal, democratic woman pretty well. Now a McCain/Obama race is a little scary.

Obama sounds so good... he's an excellent speaker and he appeals to the emotional side of a naive society. Watching CNN today and looking at the contrast between Hillary and Barack I heard them speak for about ten minutes each and say absolutely nothing. Barack said nothing, just like Hillary said nothing... the difference was, he did it well. He can sound very good and never have any merit to a thing he says!
Anyway... all that rambling to say "vote for Jesus" cause he's the only one that can get us out of here alive anyway.

It was such a joy to work with Mr. Tim Echols in Georgia. To be able to get a hands on look at the program straight from the potter's hand really is priceless. I appreciated the fact that he always looked for news ways to implement a new experience for the students. Having nearly 50 alumni in GA 1 was very demanding on a Program Director and really required a creative mind to give them something new.

Other random rivets in Harry's life = new lense with a 2.8 aperature and a trip to the hawaii class coming up Friday! Total stoke to work with Kirstin again as well as Fuzz and Aaron!

In Father's Grace