I'm beginning to comprehend what an incredible task God has put me to. The responsibility of teaching your piers and the flexibility of giving yourself to Father as a vessel to use as He pleases. It's going to be quite a challenge... learning right along with the ones I'm teaching and not always feeling adequate for the task. But I have no excuse to say I'm inadequate, for that would indeed be a statement of unbelief. "I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me" and I simply need to trust Him to follow through. I find myself saying "God if You tell me what tomorrow holds, I'll trust You today" but His never fails to remind me that He's God and I'm not. "Trust Me, My son" He says, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." This season is forcing me to go deeper with my heavenly Father because without that depth I can never truly bring Christ to the rest of the world. You can't give away what you don't own

and what I desire more than anything is to see kids around the nation come to know Christ in a very real way. God is reality! If the culture could simply understand that, it would make all of our problems so much more simplistic. God is so applicable to every day if we just let Him be who He is!
Trusting that he'll give me the words to say... because like Moses I am slow to speech and my mouth can't always catch up with my mind. It is truly a gift to be able to communicate thoughts. It's one thing to ponder random deep thoughts, but to be able to logically make any verbal sense of mine is beyond hope. I know Father will give me the opportunity to grow in that fact during this season along with many other logistic/physical/spiritual quirks and habits I bring.

My God is the God of life! The provider, protector, healer, and omnipresent friend. Taking confidence in that if the first step to trusting in Him. His Grace is sufficient for all my needs.
So in Father's Grace